Power management and generator control



We are expanding our network of distributors!
Discover our latest development investments and our commitment to keep innovating in the gensets controllers’ field and accessories. We wish to complete our current team of 35 distributors/dealers in place around the world, with human relationship to have a win-win deal to protect the business.
We offer innovative and qualitative products Made in France in the gensets controllers’ industry:
  • Auto-start/ATS/AMF solutions
  • Paralleling solutions: generators, mains, tie-breaker
  • Complete hybrid solutions: generators, photovoltaic and battery
  • Multi-touch screen-coloured displays: 7” inches, 10” inches or 15” inches
  • AVR, MPU, DC/DC converters solutions
  • Marine applications solutions
  • Trainings, webinars, technical support service
  • Large stock policy
Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs, to grow and move forward together to meet your clients’ requirements with our solutions.

Richard HAMON (Sales Director) richard.hamon@cretechnology.com